Co-sponsored by Kraar Associates
it's the....
2010 Brooklyn and Boston Djangology Festival
October 15 - through 17
Mark your calendars and JOIN US for a festival that will celebrate 100 years since the birth of Django Reinhardt, the world's most influential and innovative guitarist of the 20th century. Django was a Belgian-born Gypsy who married the influences of Gypsy music with the jazz standards that were popular in his heyday. He did this despite a crippling burn injury to his fretting hand that left him with two disabled fingers. He has left a legacy of music and followers that has continued to bring joy to the world. He has inspired international gatherings that are affectionately known as Djangofests. At these events some of the world's finest guitarists mingle with guitar-aficionado festival attendees for friendly marathon jam sessions -- boeufs -- that can go all night long.
The festival will feature the one and only Gypsy jazz guitarist, singer and bandleader Titi Bamberger from Germany. Beloved and respected by musicians and fans, Titi is an icon of the European Gypsy jazz scene. In addition to making his rare North American appearance in this festival, Titi will also be available for master classes and private lessons. Those interested should contact lyndakraar@aol.com as soon as possible to reserve a time.
Of course, each event will be followed by a good, old-fashioned boeuf. So bring your guitar and get ready to jam.
Here is some more info about Titi including a few links:
IMPORTANT NOTE -- In the midst of the mirth-making, we feel obligated to shed light on the plight of the Roma community in Europe today. We will have updates available at our shows, including information on how you can take a leadership role in activism. YOU can help by spreading awareness and communicating our outrage at the treatment of the Roma to our elected officials.
For tickets and information, contact the venues at the phone numbers below, or email me at lyndakraar@aol.com. See you there. Be in touch with your questions and comments! Here's the details:
The Jalopy Theatre
315 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11231
Purchase tickets by calling (718) 395-3214
Friday, October 15
8 pm Hot Club of Hell’s Kitchen http://www.hotclubfromhell.com/
8:50 pm Hot Club Thing http://www.facebook.com/hotclubthing
9:40 pm Luke Hendon Trio http://www.myspace.com/lukehendon-music
10:30 pm Stephane Wrembel http://www.stephanewrembel.com/
11:20 pm Special guest Titi Bamberger sponsored by Kraar Associates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDDOtoJx_yM&feature=player_embedded
12:10 am Blue Plate Special http://www.myspace.com/blueplatespecialmusic
Saturday, October 16
8 pm Jack Soref http://www.jacksoref.com/
8:50 pm Hot Club of D.C. http://hcofdc.com/gypsy-jazz.html
9:40 pm Franglais http://www.myspace.com/franglaisswings
10:30 pm Special guest Titi Bamberger sponsored by Kraar Associates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDDOtoJx_yM&feature=player_embedded
11:20 pm Jason Anick http://www.jasonanick.com/live/
12:10 am The Chicken Thieves http://www.thechickenthieves.com/home/
Boston Djangology Festival
Atwoods Tavern
877 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Ma, 02141
Purchase tickets by calling (617) 864-2792
Sunday, October 17
4 pm Jack Soref http://www.jacksoref.com/
4:50 pm Jason Anick http://www.jasonanick.com/live/
5:40 pm Franglais http://www.myspace.com/franglaisswings
6.30 pm Special guest Titi Bamberger sponsored by Kraar Associates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDDOtoJx_yM&feature=player_embedded
7:25 pm Hot Club Thing http://www.facebook.com/hotclubthing
8:15 pm The Chicken Thieves http://www.thechickenthieves.com/home/
Photo credits:
Both colour photos taken at the Djangofest in Samois sur Seine, June, 2010. Top picture by Hinrich Wulff - Lynda Kraar (guitar), Judy Rankin (guitar) and the internationally acclaimed guitar virtuoso Fapy Lafertin. Bottom picture by Belinda Ebeling Koning - Edward Jay (accordion - and now appearing on Broadway), Lynda Kraar (guitar), Titi Bamberger (looking on). B/W photo of Titi Bamberger by Hinrich Wulff.
1 comment:
Thank you so much for all of your efforts both with Titi and the festival itself. Warmest wishes for continued joy in music.
Eve (aka Miriam #3)
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