Finally...A Time For Celebration!
Pictures and video tells all!
Yona's bat mitzvah was a joyous occasion. Everyone had a great time. It was a very green affair, with local produce supplied by Abma Farm, and a small half-peck bag of apples on each table in lieu of flowers. One of our guests took the apples home, made applesauce for her father who was in hospital, and reported to us that he ate and enjoyed. Now, that's something you just cannot do with flowers!
We're trying to get the magnificent slideshow that was created by Marty up and running. I'll post again when it's ready to go.
Meantime, Marty is moving on in his life and congratulations are due to my very talented husband for an incredible decade at the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science. I really don't know who else could have pulled off the feat that he managed, nor does anyone else know how he did it.
Check out this vid, produced by Walter Schlomann of Salt and Pepper Media:
The Good-Lord-Willing, there will be many more happy occasions to celebrate!
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