Here's some info about a very interesting program on Dec. 3 in Connecticut. I am a proud "rookie" alto with the Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus, and we will be featured at this event. Please come by, enjoy a fabulous musical event...and say hello!
- Lynda

The Emanuel Synagogue in West Hartford, CT, presents
A Yiddish Choral Festival
Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor,
and 11-year old Yiddish performer,
Reyna Schaechter
Sunday, December 3, 2006
The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117
For all who love Yiddish music! For all who love Choral music!For all who love to listen! For all who love to sing! If you will be in New England or East New York State that Sunday, you won't want to miss this event!
This exciting Yiddish Choral Festival, to be held at the Emanuel Synagogue, will include a pair of workshops/sing-alongs led by Binyumen Schaechter and a rehearsal of 2-3 pieces to be shared by all participating choral groups. We will conclude with a choral performance featuring the JPPC, conducted by Schaechter, and featuring child soloists Reyna Schaechter and Arun Viswanath.
Binyumen Schaechter is an award-winning composer of musicals, revue songs and cabaret songs which have been performed in theaters and cabarets everywhere. His music has been sung by many famous singers, featured on PBS, ABC and NBC and recorded on a bunch of CDs.
You may have also seen him in the show and video Too Jewish?, in which he was Avi Hoffman's pianist, backup-singer and straight man.The JPPC is an excellent Yiddish chorus whose recent performance venues include Lincoln Center and Shea Stadium (singing "America the Beautiful" in Yiddish before the Mets game).
The Chorus just released their acclaimed first CD this year, ZINGT! A CELEBRATION OF YIDDISH CHORAL MUSIC,
The concert performance will be open to the public and serve as a fundraiser for the Emanuel. Come learn about Yiddish music and/or come to the concert in the afternoon. This day will have something for everyone!
For more information contact Cantor Sanford Cohn cantorcohn@emanuelsynagogue.org or at 860-236-1275.
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