After 10 years, Marty still finds the way to pleasantly surprise me ;->
In honor of my mother's memory, my sweet husband dedicated a plaque and sculpture at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, this past Monday. Housed in the Belfer Building for Molecular Genetics, the sculpture was created by an Israeli artist who specializes in scientific renderings. Yes, it's hard to miss the fact that it's a very erotic sculpture, but life is and should be erotic and sensuous and delicious and scrumptious and pleasing and happy.
I know that Mum is smiling down from the heavens, as Suzette said to me when she heard about this dedication.

And anyway, when you see the context of the pieces, it is apparent that, like life itself, these erotic little statues are part of something much, much bigger. I am glad that we are able to help advance science just a little bit through my family's generous gesture. Maybe one day we will eradicate the killer disease that took my mother from us, and other diseases that rob families and friends of their loved ones. One day soon those who elude these killers will be able to take a bite of the yummy, sexy, big ol' life that they might otherwise have missed.
Way to go, Marty. You got me where it counts.
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