Help stop the violence in New Orleans!For the benefit of anyone not affiliated with the Krewe, I am reprinting a letter from Captain LJ of the Jieux Krewe (a historic former Jewish Mardi Gras sub-krewe, and yes,
it's for real and you also may want to click
here). Let us remember the victims of the new, unneccesary wave of violence in NOLA who died NEEDLESSLY. We cannot fix in the past what was humanly possible to avoid, but let's help make it right for the future. HELP STOP THE VIOLENCE IN NEW ORLEANS.
If you do not live in NOLA, please contact your local representative and demand hands-on help. Our chorus of voices can help more than we know!
Read on....
From: LJ
Dear Friends,
I am horrified to have relate to you that one of our former Krewe members, Helen Hill, was murdered this past Thursday. I am in touch with her brother Jake, and will let you know the details about the funeral service this Wednesday in South Carolina. Tonight there is a memorial at Cafe Brazil at 7:00pm. I've reprinted below all the information that I have gotten about via the Internet, and there are two or three articles on
Helen's husband Paul, and their pet pig Rosie were also members. Rosie being the first and only non-human "J.A.P." (Jieuxish American Pig) in our (and maybe all of) history.
Although Krewe du Jieux is no longer a sub-krewe of Krewe du Vieux and will not be parading with any of Krewe du Vieux's sub-krewes this year, we are currently coordinating an event the evening of their parade, and whatever that offering is. As is our custom and tradition, whatever our offering is, will be dedicated to Helen Hill and former member Cornell "Magoo" Jackson who died this past April.
I am also horrified to report that Dinerral Shavers was also murdered yesterday. He was the snare drummer for the Hot 8 Brass Band that played our "Hot 8 Days of Chanukah" second line parade just a few weeks ago, and that played for Krewe du Vieux's Krewe of K.A.O.S. last year when the Jieuxs wandered into K.A.O.S. Please read below how the community is responding to all this killing in our city in a march planned for Thursday that I encourage you to find out more about.
An hour from now, as you know, from 6pm to 9pm is 6t'9 Social Aid & Pleasure Club's 13th night Thank You Party, and those that can will be heading down to Helen's memorial at Cafe Brazil afterwards. We totally understand if you cannot attend the Thank You Party, or care to leave it at 7:00 for the memorial service.
Please save this upcoming Friday, January 12th for our annual 18th night meeting, this year to be a potluck shabbat dinner where we will discuss all this and more. Details t.b.a. when I know more.
Again, I am sorry to be the bearer of this, and please feel free to be in touch if need be for any reason.
Enough Already!
Captain L.J.,
[Here are a few things you can do:]
There is also a memorial get together Sunday night at 7:00pm at Cafe Brasil for Helen Hill. I spoke with someone who was "standing rightbeside Dr. Paul" during my phone call. Paul is extremely heartbroken, to say the least. Luckily the bullet wounds were not life threatening, and he was released from the hospital a few days ago.The most serious wound was to his hand, on which he had surgery. Hewas shot at four times, and hit in the hand, arm and face. They areheading to South Carolina; Paul, Francis (their son) and Rosie (the pet pig), with some friends.Thanks!Carl Mack------------------------------------------
There will be acommunity meeting in response to Helen Hill's murder to also plan a Thursday march today (Sunday, January 7) at 1 pm at the Sound Cafe on Chartres at Press Street in the Marigny.
Subject: Thursday: Crime March on City Hall Thursday Noon: March on City Hall - An Important March Against CRIME!
Dear Members and Friends:
Mark your calendar for this Thursday, noon, for an important march to City Hall, sponsored by a coalition of different neighborhoods. This violence and crime is affecting all of us and it must end. If you can help organize the march, come to a planning meeting Sunday, 1 p.m., at Sound Café, 2700 Chartres.
Obviously, more details about the march will be announced after the planning meeting but mark your calendar now.
Nathan Chapman
PresidentVieux Carre
Property Owners, Residents and Associates, Inc.
Crime Rally Meeting / March
It is time for our elected officials to face up to the violence that is strangling our neighborhoods. Come march with us to City Hall to demand action Thursday, January 11 at Noon
Marigny-Bywater residents and ALL concerned New Orleanians, please come to a planning meeting this Sunday, January 7 at 1pm at Sound Cafe (2700 Chartres St.)