It doesn't get any better than this!
And remember -- if you're a Mom and you rock, WE WANT YOU!

I did a poetry reading with Canadian poet laureate Irving Layton at Grossman's Tavern one rainy afternoon on Spadina Avenue in Toronto, autumn of 1983. The newspaper would compare us as fervent Zionists in a positive light -- he, the "lionesque" one, in the late September of his life, and me with my "lusty, youthful enthusiasm" -- their comment. My mum was very proud.
I fell in love with Irving on the spot. He revved my engines and got my juices flowing. I did not read my selections that rainy afternoon -- I channeled them from a deep, unseen place. The joint went crazy. But I wasn't in the moment. I needed to please Irving. I picked up the guitar and sang to him from the stage. An old jazz classic. He giggled, piercing me with those fiery eyes of pure coal. He just made you want to deliver your best stuff. He made you get all crazy. You could not be near him and not be forever altered by him. He had a euphoric toxicity that got into your bloodstream and went straight to your head. Opium? Heroin? The stuff of amateurs. Irving was the real deal. Even as an old man he was like a young Brando. I went home and wrote a poem about him. I gave it to him a year later, with trembling hands:
A Message for Mr. Layton
it was on an entirely gruelling afternoon
and there sat I
suffering the waste of words
and entire lack of
theatrics and dimension
out of the mouths of the angry
and the confused
masked in the guise
of the Poet.
it were as if I was being taught to speed read out loud.
but then
but then
but then
you turned every crooked plank
of the ghastly, dim space
into a lyric
you painted pictures
with your eloquent tongue
just five little words
held still the clock
my heart pushed heavily
against my female breast
do you know how beautiful you are?
does that really matter?
Nov. 1, 1983, 10 a.m.
(c) Lynda Marks
He is still in my blood. Thank you, Irving. Baruch Dayan Emet.